
Showing posts from January, 2024

Day 28 - Thursday 1 February 2024

Today was planned to be a quiet one, and that's pretty much the way it's panned out. Sometimes you need a day like this just to draw breath before the next adventure! Awake early as is my habit, and no real rush to do anything, so I went along to breakfast at just before 08:00. Then I decided to go and have a bit of an explore of Tauranga. I wandered along the wharf and found the main pub and restaurant area about 10 minutes from the hotel. I stopped by the tourist information office to speak about the best way to use the busses, and they have a thing called a Bee card which can be pre-loaded and used at a discounted fare. As I'll be using the bus to get to the cricket, and to explore Mount Maunganui the day after tomorrow it makes sense to do it this way, so I wandered along to the regional council office about 5 minutes further along and arranged for this. Transport sorted for my stay here, I went and found a coffee and it's probably a good thing that I didn't spo

Day 27 - Wednesday 31 January 2024

Thirty days hath September ....... yes; 31st January is correct! Need to check these things are correct for a couple of reasons. Firstly I've totally lost track of what day and date it is, so this doesn't hurt. Secondly, I have nephews who notice stuff! I awoke this morning to cramp in my other calf from yesterdays; well, it obviously didn't want to feel left out. Today was planned to be fairly quiet, getting from the end of the Coromandel Peninsula leg of the trip to Tauranga where I'll be staying put for a while ...... I know that for me a 'while' can be anything from a few minutes to a lot of years, so in this case I'll be specific and say that the 'while' I'll be staying in Tauranga for is 9 nights.   I left my cabin and checked out at around quarter to ten this morning, and decided that before exploring the town of Pauanui I'd explore the local bakery. The plan had been to only get a coffee, but then I saw Apple Turnovers. It got worse;

Day 26 - Tuesday 30 January 2024

Before I start on today, a little administration to catch up on from last night. The sunset was beautiful, and I captured in time-lapse, so I've made that available as Episode 2 of 'Bryans Briefs' ... it can be found  HERE . I was asked if I could add a link rather then the text to copy and paste, so done (just click the blue HERE and it'll open). This morning started with cramp in my calf as I got out of bed; that'll wake you up in a hurry! Bag repacked to account for the clean laundry, and it all seemed to go in far too easily, and I was wondering what I'd forgotten. Breakfast at 08:00, and away from Buffalo Lodge at 09:40. This has been one of the best places I have stayed, not just on this trip but ever; such a warm welcome, beautiful property in a drop dead gorgeous location with views to die for. It was with a little reluctance that I hit the road, but I have more experiences to find and fun to have. Today started with a re-drive of the route that I took y

Day 25 - Monday 29 January 2024

Today has been a most excellent day! The plan had been to do a sea kayak trip at Cathedral Cove with a 13:30 start time. I had received an email last night telling me to check after 10:30 this morning for what was happening as the conditions are a bit changeable. I had no email at 10:30, so felt that I had to get on the road as Hahei Beach where the trip starts is 81km and 1 hour 20 minutes away. Out of Coromandel Town, and a left turn onto the SH25; the Pacific Coast highway. Immediately I started climbing through many 25 or 35 kph turns, and as I reached the summit there was a viewpoint. I saw the view where I was going, and wasn't that impressed, but there were a set of steps that led up from the layby. I thought that I may as well go and have a look, and when I reached the top an 'Oh wow' escaped my lips; the lady stood nearby shared that was her reaction as well. What a fantastic start to the morning. I'm finding something a little amusing about New Zealands roads;

Day 24 - Sunday 28 January 2024

Today has not gone to exactly to plan, but it's still been a damned good day! Checked out and ready to go at 08:00, I set Kitekite Falls as my destination into the drizzle. First stop was the first refuelling of the trip, and with that done I took the old SH1 southwards towards Auckland. The highlight of the day was the chance to explore a few places in the Waitakare Ranges Regional Park. The drizzle stayed with me until I was about 15 minutes from Piha, and then the heavens opened! I reached the road where I turn right for KiteKite Falls, and there was a sign saying open to residents only, so I headed down to Piha Beach instead; the second planned stop. The rain eased off enough for a comfort break in the beach facilities, and a German gentlemen who is a local tour guide explained to me that the road is closed due to landslips as a result of the four cyclones which hit one after the other a year ago. If I wanted to go to the falls, I'd need to park off the road, but there was

Day 23 - Saturday 27 January 2024

Today I had a plan to be checked out and away before 08:00. Up before 06:00 as I was awake, and the Week 3 video which I finished yesterday was checked and published ... it can be found at  Week 3 Then time for my weekly video chat with Mum, and I was all packed up and checked out at just before 08:00. The plan for today is to drive down to Warkworth, just north of Auckland, for my overnight stop, but to take the route down the west coast. First stop was at a place called Charlies Rock Waterfall; this was about a 25 minute drive from Paihia, and a little tricky to find ..... I eventually saw a small blue sign away from the road advertising the trail. A 15 minute hike through dew soaked foliage bought me to the site of the waterfall, and it was worth the effort for a starter. Then onwards to the main event; a waterfall I've been watching in vlogs for many months, and it didn't disappoint. A 5 minute drive along from Charlies Rock, and I found myself heading for two viewpoints of

Day 22 - Friday 26 January 2024

Today is the second leg of the double header with Fullers Great Sights, and a trip up to Cape Reinga at the top of New Zealand; not actually the northernmost point, but as near as damnit, and the furthest north the road takes you. Picked up from my hotel at 07:20, after another couple of pickups we hit the road on what was a long day. The driver was a Maori, and we started the morning with blessings on our trip, blessings on our home lands, and a song to set the right tone for our hopeful safe return. The first stop was a couple of hours in for coffee and comfort breaks at Taipa before hitting the road once more. I had expected that we'd be on State Highway (SH)1, but there were a series of four cyclones which came through last year, each a once in 100 years event, that had washed SH1 out so we were diverted via SH10. Shortly after Taipa we were able to finally turn onto SH1 for the rest of our journey. North we kept heading through farmlands where they grow Kiwis, Avocados, Olives

Day 21 - Thursday 25 January 2024

Today I have the very first excursion I booked for the whole trip; the Bay of Islands Cream Cruise ..... so named as it used to be the boat that picked up all of the fresh milk from the farms on the islands, then they started taking tourists, and now there is no milk and just tourists. No rush this morning; I needed to be at the cruise office at 09:30, and was there a bit early ..... so a coffee and a bit of a wait until the boat started boarding at 09:45 for a 10:00 departure. All aboard ('the skylark' for those of the correct age to remember) and I grabbed a seat on the top deck as it looked like a nice day.  Sun cream liberally applied, we were ready to depart early but apparently that's frowned upon, so at 10:00 on the dot we first crossed the bay to the town of Russell through a flotilla of sailing boats. The Bay of Islands is stunningly beautiful; rolling hills meeting the water with 144 islands poking above the waves. The definition of island in these parts is a rock

Day 20 - Tuesday 24 January 2024

Today is the day I became independently mobile as I collected my car and started to tour New Zealand. Awake at around 06:00 and the packing completed. With the room checked multiple times, I went down to check out a little earlier than planned at 07:45. Water bottle filled, and away from the hotel to walk the two blocks to Sky City and the SkyDrive bus. I arrived at the bus stop at just after 08:00 and they were loading so I paid my fare and loaded up ..... the bus departed at 08:05, so I was on the one earlier than planned. The 40 minute run to the airport went without incident, and I was dropped at the International Terminal. I made my way to Arrivals and the Ezi car hire desk ....... I had a short wait as the cars for collection at 09:00 weren't there just yet. A 15 minute wait, and then I was able to complete the paperwork, pay my deposit and set off in search of my car for the next couple of months. A 5 minute walk to the hire car parking area, and there was my car in space 18