Before I start on today, a little administration to catch up on from last night. The sunset was beautiful, and I captured in time-lapse, so I've made that available as Episode 2 of 'Bryans Briefs' ... it can be found HERE. I was asked if I could add a link rather then the text to copy and paste, so done (just click the blue HERE and it'll open).
This morning started with cramp in my calf as I got out of bed; that'll wake you up in a hurry! Bag repacked to account for the clean laundry, and it all seemed to go in far too easily, and I was wondering what I'd forgotten. Breakfast at 08:00, and away from Buffalo Lodge at 09:40. This has been one of the best places I have stayed, not just on this trip but ever; such a warm welcome, beautiful property in a drop dead gorgeous location with views to die for. It was with a little reluctance that I hit the road, but I have more experiences to find and fun to have.
Today started with a re-drive of the route that I took yesterday, but with the difference that today I had time to stop in more of the places I noticed yesterday. The first stop had to be at the viewpoint I visited yesterday just a few kilometers out of Coromandel Town, and it didn't disappoint ..... it was still a bit of a WOW moment when I reached the top of the stairs. the difference this time was that I had the correct camera to take the still picture with:-
Onwards, and I reached a beach near Te Rerenga that I'd noticed yesterday, so I had a couple of stops here as well to enjoy the views.
Back onto the road; I was taking it easy and enjoying the wonderful scenery in this part of the world; once again it reminded me so much of the Peak District. A stop for coffee in Whitianga before visiting Cooks Beach from where we departed on our kayak tour yesterday. I had been so focussed on the kayak that I hadn't really taken in the views there, and it was absolutely stunning and well worth a return visit.
Forwards again, I bypassed Hahei this time, and headed for the Hot Beach where I parked up and enjoyed the surf crashing against the beach for a while. There is something about surf that I can just stand and watch for ages, but I had to tear myself away as I had a plan for the afternoon that I'd formulated months ago (I know, I've not had much success with the plans formulated a long while back!)

I had spotted a place called Roku Hill Lookout that looked to have most excellent views, so I made my way to the car park in Tairua and followed the Google Map directions for 20 minutes. They just suddenly stopped in the middle of a roadfull of houses! My long term plans seemed to be jinxed ..... until I returned to the car park to find the sign for the walk to the top of the hill which had been hidden by a now departed campervan.
It was 28 degrees, and the sign said a 45 minute return, but I could look up and see the hill I had to conquer so knew it wasn't going to be easy.
First across a playing field which was deceptively steep, then up a pathway which became steeper. Across a road, and the steps started, and continued in the backing sun with little shade. When the shade did occur, it was out of the breeze. On more than one occasion I did wonder why I was putting myself through this, but I seem to have inherited a gene for stubbornness from someone so I wasn't going to be beaten. The steps finally stopped, to be replaced by a steep scramble over rocks until finally the top marker came into view. A final scramble, and I was at the summit with a beautifully refreshing breeze but absolutely no shade. I had a look around, and felt that the effort had been worthwhile:-

A while spent there to take in the views, and then back down to the car at 15:15, and I was well and truly cooked. After taking on board some water and basking in the full blast of AC for a while, I decided that it was time to make my way for my overnight stop in Pauanui, the town overlooked in the photo above. Because I had to drive right around an estuary, it took me about 40 minutes to arrive at my accommodation. On checking in the receptionist said that it looked like I could use the swimming pool on site, so into the room and straight down to the pool, which was wonderful. It was unheated, but just what I needed to bring my body temperature back down.
Over the road to 'The Local' for dinner, and then back to my cabin for the night, a cup of tea and time to catch up on the day's happenings. There doesn't seem to be anyone else here at all today; my car is the only one in the parking spaces, so I assume that the New Zealand schools have gone back this week after a long summer holiday. No kids about? Oh dear, how sad, never mind!
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