Day 127 – Friday 10th May 2024

Awake early this morning, and all packed, loaded and away from the resort at 07:30. A visit to Woolworths for groceries, and a service station for fuel before leaving Karratha en route for Coral Bay.

One thing that I’d decided was that some of the places I’d noted as possible destinations are too distant for today; the west coast of Cape Range National Park would make it an 800km plus day, which is much too far!

The first target was a place called ‘Boulders’ according to google maps, and was three hours away.

After a comfort stop, I went to overtake a caravan I’d followed back onto the main road, and there was a big ‘bang’ noise …. I had a huge stone chip on my windscreen that I suspect is going to be expensive.

Onwards, and I reached where Google Maps said The Boulders was …. I could see it off to the side of the road, but there was absolutely nowhere to stop to investigate. What is the point of putting a point of interest in if you cannot stop?

I pulled over into the next layby to reset the sat nav, and set my sights onto Charles Knife Canyon. A right turn off of the main A1 road, and then a bit later another right towards Exmouth, away in the wrong direction from my accommodation for the evening. It was about 80 kilometres off track; I followed a coach up the road, and found the turn that leads to Charles Knife Canyon; a part of the Cape Range National Park.

Up a sealed road, and then a dirt road bought me to the canyon with fantastic views back towards the ocean that was sparkling blue in the background. One thing that’s happened is that I’ve travelled far enough south so that flies are an issue again; the fly net made a reappearance at Charles Knife Canyon.

I found a few viewpoints here before deciding at 13:30 that it was time to consider heading for the accommodation. Exmouth was 30 kilometers away with fuel available, but the car was telling me that I had 180 kilometres of fuel left and 118 kilometres to travel, so I trusted what I was being told.

It seemed like a long drive back south, and I watched the remaining range decrease; I’ve learned today that the range decreases in units of 10 until it gets less than 50 kilometres, at which stage it decreases in units of one (as well as telling me that I’m getting low on fuel!). I arrived with just 40km left of fuel.

I arrived at Coral Bay at 15:30, and checked in; the second of the locations that my travel agent couldn’t book anything so I’d had to book the accommodation myself. It was with a little nervousness that I checked in, but I was expected and am checked into the resort.

Once unpacked, I phoned the car hire company to inform them of my mishap today. I then wandered down to the office of the company I’m doing the whale shark excursion with tomorrow; it’s definitely happening and I have to be there at 07:15 tomorrow morning to get fitted for a wetsuit.

I then wandered to the resort bar for a couple of beers before sorting dinner and returning to the room. I have no in room WiFi here, so I’ve warned that today and tomorrows updates will probably be published on Sunday.

When I returned to the room, there looked to be a fantastic sunset with the new moon, so I captured a couple of photos ….. I must find a good spot for the sunset tomorrow if I’m back from the whale sharks in time.



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