Day 9 - Saturday 13 January 224

Today is my last day in Moorea, so it's a day of preparation more than anything else. I need to be on the 08.10 ferry tomorrow morning back to Tahiti, so I have a taxi booked for 07.00 to ensure I have plenty of time; the ferry terminal is only about 20 minutes away, but the 08.10 is the last ferry that I can catch to enable me to make my 12.40 flight.

Breakfast taken at 06.30 as has become my habit, but before serving myself I spotted my American co-guests at the end of the pier. I wandered down to join them, and they had caught a crab which they were feeding to the fish as sharks cruised by a bit deeper. Back for breakfast, then back to the room to obtain and add the final pieces of music to the first weekly video.

The wi-fi was down due to a power cut last night, so I did what I could on the video, then gathered my mask and snorkel along with the Gopro to have a look at the reef and life I could find there.

I had a turtle pointed out to me, but it was a bit murky, so I dived down a bit to try to get a shot. I've not yet downloaded the footage, so have no ides what I've managed to capture.

The wi-fi returned, so I've now completed and reviewed the video before rendering and uploading it to YouTube, so Week One should now be available at:-   

The other admin bit I had to do today was to let my next hotel know when I was expecting to land at Bora Bora so that they can arrange the transfer; I've completed their form, and await their confirmation.

An early departure tomorrow means that I have to pack today, so that'll be my next job this afternoon.

Fast forward, and the time is 18:45. I've just returned from a very good burger at the pizza place, and the luggage is half packed. There looks to be a lot to pack in a small space, but I do know that it all fits ... somehow!

So, time to reflect on my time here in Moorea. I really like this hotel, but I do have a couple of gripes.

Firstly, it feels a little off that when I return from eating at around 18:30 each evening (away from the hotel as they are only providing breakfasts), that everything barring the front gates is all locked up, and nobody is to be found. I get that having only 4 rooms occupied does cause financial issues that results in the early closure, but it does mean that the only option is to return to my room which isn't the best experience. 

Secondly, we are in a tropical climate, so retreating to the air conditioned room is a welcome escape from the heat an humidity. The problem is that with the key away from the room, there is no AC, so I return to a sweatbox that I have to wait to get down to a bearable temperature. I know that this isn't only here, but most places you can cheat the system to keep the room nicely cool with a random card while you're away, but the key fob here doesn't allow that.

With that being said, the room, the location, the staff and what they offer is all excellent; I just wish I'd have known the situation before I arrived. Still, it is reassuring that first impressions can be turned around.

I have to clear the bed before I can sleep this evening, but I'll have a read and put that back just a little before turning in. Tomorrow I go to Bora Bora, and to say that I'm looking forward to that is an understatement! 


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