Day 124 - Tuesday 7th May 2024

NEWS HEADLINE .... I haven't lost my marbles .... more on that later.

Day 124 started leisurely; I had nothing planned for this morning, so awoke nearer the old normal time and made a plan for the morning. I had a number of sites that I decided would be good to visit, so stuck the second load of washing on for this stay (it had been a while so there was too much for the machine to handle in one load) and left at just after 08:00.

The first stop was about a quarter of an hour away at Gantheaume Point where there was a lookout with very interesting and photogenic rocks, and a nice view along the coast. As I arrived I received a phone call from the folks I was kayaking with this afternoon .... they weren't going to be able to do this afternoon, so could I be at the meeting point at 08:50.

Not really was the answer; it would take me 30 minutes to get back to my room and then onwards to the meet point (which I'd have to find), and I hadn't prepared anything yet so no chance of being close to that time. There was therefore little option but to cancel my plans for the afternoon. That's two cancellations in two days, so my run of good fortune appears to have come to an end. 

Out of the car to explore Gantheaume Point, and I spent about 30 minutes here, exploring the area and finding photo and video locations.

Away from here, and onwards to the next location; Kabbarli Lookout. Google maps tried to take me down what looked like a sand road, but I didn't think that looked like a good idea so retraced my steps to the main road and took a sealed route. This area was a boat ramp and there wasn't a great deal to see, apart from a set of rocks leading out into the ocean. I found a spot to capture this, and then decided that it would be a good idea to visit the tourist information office.

I had a couple of reasons for visiting the information office. First, I wanted to check whether I could reach the places I'd chosen in a 2wd car ..... the answer for all of them was no; they'd require a 4wd. As they were out of the equation, I found out where the centre of town was and paid that a visit. A coffee and muffin followed by a wander around where I found little to inspire me. Then back to the resort to escape the heat of the day.

Once back I folded the now clean laundry, and contacted the companies who'd cancelled on me to ask about refunds. Yesterdays is being sorted and will be with me shortly, but I've not yet had a response about todays.

Now that I didn't have anything to do this afternoon, I decided that a lazy day wouldn't hurt given a long drive (estimated 6 hours) is coming tomorrow. At 16:00 I decided to have an early dinner, so returned to the brewery where I ate last night. On the way I encountered the train of camels making their way to the beach, so I thought I'd better capture evidence to prove that I'm not going loopy .... it's not quite so surreal in broad daylight. 
After eating I made my way to Cable Beach for the sunset. It was about a 10 minute walk to the beach, followed by another 10 to 15 minutes to find a spot that was fairly clear. Cable Beach is a flat firm sand beach much like the ones I was bought up with in Cornwall. The major difference here is that it was pretty full of 4wd vehicles with folks sitting together to enjoy the sunset. I set the Gopro on timelapse and watched the sun go down.

The sunset wasn't as stunning as the one at Darwin, but it was still pretty good; the colours took a long time to develop after the sun had set, and a half hour after the last sliver had disappeared below the horizon I decided that it was getting too dark to be safe with all of the vehicles returning to leave the beach, a lot of them at speed. It was earlier than I'd have liked to stop the timelapse, but I figured that getting off the beach without getting run over was probably higher on my list of priorities than getting the sunset to full darkness.

Off of the beach safely, and the 10 minute return walk to Seashells to update the blog and vlog after cooling down a bit; it's still a bit on the warm side out there.  


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