Day 138 - Tuesday 21st May 2024
Today was a very much more laid back day where I've only visited one place, but what a place to visit!
Awake with the alarm, I was in absolutely no hurry to do anything this morning. I rose, and started working on the Week 20 video, which had been sadly neglected since Week 19 went live. I was surprised by how much footage I had to sort through, but the basic mix is there and up to date now ... I just need to select and add the music.
Then I had a preliminary sort of the luggage and I started selecting things that I wouldn't need to take home with me, thereby saving a bit of weight in the luggage. I have an allowance of 30kg for the final flight, but the less weight I have to lug around when I change trains the better.
Then at 10:00 I finally put my rear into gear and set off on todays adventure. I had a few things noted down, but in reality the plan for today revolved around one thing, and the hike up to the Granite Skywalk in Porongurup National Park a half hour to the north of Albany.
I arrived at the car park at 10:40, and after a change of footwear to my walking shoes, I set off for the 4.4km return hike. The walk was graded as 5 (out of 5) with the notation that it was a steep track and moderate to good fitness was required plus a head for heights.
It was lucky that I'd done my fair share of hiking earlier in the trip as I fell into my rhythm and enjoyed the uphill workout; I still much prefer walking uphill to downhill! The trail was advertised as a two hour return, and on the way up I stopped for a couple of water breaks but apart from that kept going. The rough steps seemed to be never ending, once more just too far apart for me to take one with each pace; it did mean that I seemed to be constantly stepping up on the same side, which just fatigues that side, so the occasional change in stride is called for to even things out.
After 40 minutes the trees began to thin, and I could see the granite outcrop in front of me. A sign gave me two options; 65 metres to the skywalk, or 100 metres to another lookout. I looked for where the skywalk path was, and no path was to be seen, but there were metal handholds drilled into the granite rock that went upwards.
Time to scramble then as I climbed up the boulders, emerging into a corridor between two of the granite outcrops. More handholds appeared ahead, so I hauled myself up until I was able to sit on a flat surface, then swung my legs up. The view was fantastic from here, but a 6 metre ladder lead upwards once more. Up I went, and found myself on the skywalk; a pathway supported on metal beams hammered into the granite outcrop with a drop away beneath my feet.
The views in all directions were wonderful; to the south back to Albany and the coastal area that I explored yesterday, to the north the Sterling ranges, and away to the east smoke was rising where they were burning off some land to reinvigorate new growth.
I spent about 45 minutes at the summit enjoying the extraordinary views before descending the ladder, scrambling back over the rocks and starting the hike back down to the car park after taking in the views from the lower lookout.
Hiking back always seems to take much longer than the outward uphill journey, which is a bit counter intuitive. Back to the car, I decided to return to Albany via a different route, so took a supposedly scenic route back that circumnavigated the Porongurup National Park ..... I didn't find it that scenic, but then perhaps I've been spoiled by what I've seen over the last few months.
Back into the town of Albany, and a chance for a bit of an explore. I stopped off at a cafe for a coffee and Mars Bar muffin that was fantastic, then back to the hotel at around 15:00 via a filling station for a tank full of fuel. The plan for this evening is to sort and repack my luggage as I'll need to get it from where I drop off my car tomorrow at the airport to the hotel. I've spotted an Indian restaurant not far away, so that'll be dinner, then back to prepare for tomorrows 4.5 hour drive; the rental place closes at 17:00, so I have that as the latest I can get there.
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