Day 131 - Tuesday 14th May 2024

On some days the mood is set by what happens early, and today was one of those days. 

Yesterday I mentioned that I had to pay a park entry fee to the conservation park that the resort sits in. Well, as part of that fee you get to participate in a dolphin experience so I was up early and down by the beach at 7:15 for the 7:45 experience.

At 7:45 we had a briefing from the warden about what we could do, and then made out way down to the shoreline and were allowed into the sea ankle deep in the water. We were then treated to a dolphin and her 12 week old calf swimming along in front of us. I'm not altogether sure whether it was a case of the people coming to look at the dolphins, or the dolphins coming to look at the people!

These are wild untrained animals who come along of their own free will; the wardens are allowed to provide them with a small amount of fish. As the buckets of fish were bought down to the beach, another couple of dolphins came in; it's apparently their normal behaviour to turn up just in time to be fed (I know some people like that ... I'm probably one of them!)

What a fantastic way to start a day this was. From here I made my way back to my room and packed, loading the big bag into the car before heading to the restaurant for breakfast. I ordered an English breakfast, and I don't think I've seen one as large in a long time; I've certainly not collected that amount of food in a buffet breakfast this trip!

Breakfast done, I returned to the room to complete loading the car, then had the usual multiple checks to see if I'd forgotten anything. Nothing spotted, I checked out just before 10;00.

The first stop up the road was at the 26th Parallel; this is where the North West of Australia ends, so I thought that was noteworthy. It seems to mark the end of another chapter of the trip, and it appears that there aren't many chapters left to write!

Just after leaving Shell Beach yesterday I noted a possible photo lookout, so that was my next stop today; I pulled into a layby with a fantastic view over Shell Beach and the road ahead. There were a lot more people on Shell Beach today than had been there post rain yesterday!

Back onto the road, and the run back retracing yesterdays route to the Overlander Roadhouse. A stop for fuel (unleaded for the car, coffee for me) before continuing; the next run was two and a half hours to my next planned stop. Long straight roads once more with unchanging scenery and shrubbage which meant that I couldn't see far off the road. These roads are getting a little tedious in their monotony now!

After what seemed like forever, I turned right to take the road towards Kalbarri; I had three things pencilled in for today in Kalbarri National Park but wasn't sure that I'd manage them all as it was already past 14:00. Into the park, and my targets were all within a few kilometres of each other.

First I visited the Kalbarri Skywalk, offering fantastic views of the Murchison river gorge 100 metres below. Hat and fly net on, and definitely needed as I was mobbed. Out onto the skywalks, and I could see through the floor to the gorge bottom below; I did think how much Mum would love this .... NOT!

All done there, I managed to get into the car with not too many flies, and made the 10 minute journey to one of the things I've been looking forward to all trip, and Natures Window. Parked up in the car park, there was a bus already there and I feared what I may find. It was a 500 metre walk down on a path before the scramble down to the main event ..... I captured some views on the way.
Natures Window is a rock arch with a great view of the gorge beyond. My fears were realised as a large group of young oriental people were there, all wanting their numerous photos sat in the window seemingly unaware of a large number of people waiting patiently for their turn. Eventually they were finished, at which point it was amazing how quickly everyone else took their photos and made way for the next.

As everyone made their way away, it seemed that I was the only one who wondered what the view was like back the other way, so I side tracked a little and timed getting the reverse view with nobody in the window, which was a bonus!
The final aim for the day was a site called Z Bends; this was only 9 kilometres from the Natures Window car park, so I decided that was doable and made my way there. After a 600 metre walk down to the lookout, I was presented with a great view both up and down the river gorge.

Returning to the car with the accompanying flies, I rid myself of the majority and made the half hour drive to the nights accommodation, checking in at 16:45. Dinner at 18:00 and then catching up with the blog and vlog.

It's been another fantastic day; it makes a real difference when the distance to travel not only has points of interest, but allows the time to visit and experience them. Tomorrow I have less than 100 miles to travel and a plethora of things noted to see, so I'll now try to figure out a plan of attack for tomorrow.



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